Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Visiting Santa

Last Saturday, Josh and I took Ellie to see Santa for the first time. He was visiting Phillip Foster farm, which is a historic farm that is kind of a low budget Oregon version of Colonial Williamsburg. They have a cider squeeze festival there every year that we go to and when we saw that Santa would be sitting in the parlor on Saturday for kids to visit, we decided to take Ellie. She was sleepy most of the time, but we enjoyed watching her sit on Santa's knee. She was the youngest to see him all day. Maybe next year she'll be more excited to tell him what she wants for Christmas.

Silent Night!!!

We had a big first last night ..... the first night Miss Ellie slept all the way through the night. A full 7 1/2 hours of sleeping bliss!! I don't expect this blissful experience to be repeated every night especially since she's only 5 1/2 weeks old, but it was wonderful. I actually called her pediatrician a couple of days ago to make sure it was ok for her to sleep that long without eating, but according to Dr. Crist it is perfectly fine, so last night I went to bed without my little alarm clock to wake us up to feed her and we all had a silent night. Yea!! It definitely gives us more energy to have fun with all the snow that's falling today.

Snowy pictures to be posted later!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

One Month Old!!

I can't believe how fast time is flying by. It may be the lack of sleep that makes it all a blur, but little Miss Ellie is one month old already!! We've been having a great time with her. Here are some pictures of her first month.

Brand Spanking New!

Hanging out with Grandma

Hanging out with Grandpa

Hanging out with Mom

Hanging out with Dad

First Bath - utterly content

Just dedicated at church

First family walk

Chillin in my bouncer

So tired!

So unhappy!!

Cloth diaper, tie dye t-shirt: Can you tell I was made in Oregon?

Hanging out with Nana

Spending time with crazy Uncle Will

Oops I just wet PopPop's pants (actually what was happening!)

One Month Old and quite the little person!!

Christmas Tree Hunting!

This is the first year since we've moved to Oregon that we didn't hunt down our own Christmas tree up on Mt. Hood. However, I think having a 3 week old is a good reason not to trapse around in the forest looking for our typical spindly, Charlie Brown tree. So this year, Ellie and I went with Josh when he sighted his rifle in prep for his hunting trip and on the way back we stopped by one of the many U-Cut Christmas tree farms for our tree. It was still a really fun experience. A very sweet Russian man let us pick out our tree and then cut it for us. Poor Josh had to load the tree on the car himself. We had a great time and our little Reindeer looked so cute!