Sunday, June 08, 2008

New Toys and Good Neighbors

With the arrival of the baby in mind, we've started making plans and completing projects which we've been meaning to get done. Actually, I gave Josh fair warning that I feel great and will happily work on projects until mid to late August, and I make no guarantees about working on projects (usually construction related) after that date. :) So, this summer will be all about enjoying those last few camping/fishing sessions sans bebe, and getting our house projects done! The "making plans" comment references the major purchases (if any) that need to be made prior to the kiddo. One we decided was definitely needed is a camera upgrade. We love our little digital, but we wanted to be able to take great portrait type shots too, so we bought a Canon digital SLR. It's fabulous.

We practiced taking action shots on Miss Zena (because kids never sit still... much like Zena). I think that 3 frames a second will work out fine. Here's a couple of my favorites.

As you can see, Mags gets some camera time too.

Josh is also working to get some good belly shots. So far, he's not happy with the way the silhouette pictures are turning out, but you can see my little pot belly in the pics below. And things will be a lot easier now that we have a tripod. ($4 garage sale find!)

The other toy purchase was a Wii. I finally caved. If we can't play all the fun sports we like outside, we might as well try to simulate them. Besides, how else could I kick Josh's butt at boxing while being 4.5 months pregnant. :) (JOSH'S Disclaimer: I in no way advocate using physical violence toward your spouse be it video game or otherwise. But boy is it fun. And for some reason I just don't mind being beat by a girl, especially one hopped up on pregnancy hormones.)

Josh kicked project completion into high gear last weekend, we he decided that it doesn't matter if it's cold and rainy in June, he was going to get that fence up anyways. So Sunday afternoon we went to Lowe's, purchased our supplies and two hours later we had a lovely fence separating us from our neighbors with the help of our good friend Jason. Yay! Not only does it make our yard look bigger, but it keeps their gas leaking truck off our side lawn and guarantees that Josh will actually be able to use our side gate to bring the lawn mower through. Also, it appears to keep the adults from smoking outside our guest room window and leaving the butts in the flower bed. Now we're set to be good neighbors. Still on the list for this summer: (which I- Josh- am sure you don't care too much about, but we are going to tell you about it anyway cuz we have a captive audience)- replacing the window well fence out front, downstairs bathroom touch ups, drywalling the baby's room, painting the baby's room, painting the living room, dining room, upstairs hall, and kitchen. (Side note: after 2 weeks of Mai Tia red on the kitchen walls, I decided that I do not like it. Oopsie.) So if anyone wants to come for a visit, work on a project, feel free. We will supply the food, lodging, entertainment, Chiropractic care (via the outpatient clinic at Josh's school) and LOVE!

Till next time,
Elisabeth (with Josh's two cents thrown in... can he get change?)


Nicole said...

Look at that belly! And the nice fence! Way to go guys. Sorry the red isn't working out so well in the kitchen - do you think you'll repaint it or just go with it?

Anonymous said...

Looks like I have a lot of work to do when I come in August! Don't get it all done before I get there. Love the belly!!!!


The Swanson Family said...

good work mcmillons, all around! pat the belly - gently josh, geez!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.